Website Updates from March..
I've been working to add new improvements to the Members Only section of the website....

1. New Events Related Pages (green buttons)
I've created a new events page linked that will be much easier to maintain and update, with a standard RSVP form for all events. Since I was able to create a database with all the information on events and RSVPs, I was able to create a page where you can view and update your RSVPs . You can also see who is signed up to attend events by clicking on Who's Going, it's awesome! It is only for upcoming events, not past events.
Now for the down side of the new site....there will no longer be automated emails sent when you RSVP for events, or reminders when events are close. That is on my to-do list, but writing the API to get the website to behave the way I want it challenging.
2. Photos Pages (blue buttons)
Not so new, but just an overview...You can now submit photos on you computer or mobile device. Yes, you can still only upload one photo at a time. If I can do it, you can do it! I have faith in you. All photos will be reviewed prior to approving them, these will be linked directly to the public facing photos page of the website.
3. Waivers
Don't forget to sign the waiver for this year! There's a new waiver form if you have any guests attending driving events with you that are not members of the club with access to the Members Only section.
Let me know if you have any questions!